Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Recon is on!

Hello Oinkers!

The 8th Annual Piggy's Revenge is just around the corner. NOW is the time to sign up so you are not left in the palmetto's. Sign up before December 15th or you will miss out on a cool T shirt and your spot on the trail. We will continue to register until we reach 350 our maximum allowed so there is NO day of registration!

We have been out riding and enjoying the trails in the cool November weather. They are all dry and fast at this time and I am out exploring some new sections looking for the perfect blend. The 20 mile loop will be different this year. It will be almost all single track with only a little bit of double track to connect it all together. The 40 mile loop is in flux right now but should have sections you have never been on before, you will enjoy the new configuration. Some of the old standby sections are in great shape thanks to the work of SCORR members. The 60 mile loop should be the same as previous years but I reserve the right to change my mind. 

Go right now and get yourself registered! 
Oink Oink My Friend.
Remember ?

Riding the fun  Prosper section along Myakkahatchee Creek.
More of the same.