Saturday, October 26, 2019

New T-shirt Design

Hey everybody, how do you like our new Piggy t-shirt design? Get signed up before December 15th to get a shirt in your size. After that, NO shirts will be available but the sign up remains the same price.

We are busy working on cleaning up the trails and deciding on the best possible routes for the 20, 40 & 60.

We are planning a finish line party with sausages, salads and free beer! Where else can you get a fun-filled day riding in the wilderness, an awesome SAG party, a cool t-shirt, food AND beer for $45?

Don't procrastinate, sign up NOW while you are thinking about it. We will cut off registration as soon as we reach 300 riders so clock is a ticking!

Follow this link to register Piggy Registration. Any further questions, you can email me at

OOMF, Eric

Monday, October 7, 2019

Hey Pigsters,

Wow, September is already history! There are only 90 days until the 8th Annual Piggy's Revenge 2020. It is time to sign up, so get your calendars out and updated so you can make sure you get in on this fantastic event. 

We started riding some of the gravel trails that will be part of the 60 mile loop just this past week. The single track is slated to get cleaned up in the next few weeks with weekend trail work days.

Everything is currently dry but very over grown and the county workers are mowing the double track connectors but SCORR will get the single track mowed and trimmed this month.

We have started planning this year's event and we are developing a new trail that will reduce the amount of gravel ridden by the 40 mile riders. The 60 mile route will be similar to the last two years, but the 20 and 40 will be different.

Are you ready for another challenging ride? How about the finish line food and drinks? Don't delay, get your reservation in and DO NOT PROCRASTINATE!

Oink, Eric