Thursday, September 29, 2016

Getting geared up for Piggy's 2017

 The next Piggy's Revenge to be held on January 8th. Last years race was a great time, the overall vibe of the day was so positive and fun that I can't wait to do it again. I am never disappointed by the dirt riding community. When we get together for some riding and hanging out, it is always a fun and rewarding experience. 

Piggy's allows all levels of riders to meet similar types of challenges. We each do the best we can and then we get to compare our experiences over a beer and homemade brat. I can't think of a better way to spend a day. I hope you all have circled your calendar for January 8th.

We are looking into keeping all the loops in the Carlton Reserve, which means the 60 will probably be a double loop with some repeat sections. We are trying to reduce the chances of having stranded riders miles away from the start. Every year we end up having to go and pick up some lost soul late in the day when we are all tired. 

The routes will be just as challenging as the previous years but don't worry, it looks like we might have them all marked reducing the need for GPS tracks.
Some of the other things we are working on include a beer stop at the sag, brand new sections of trail, more sausages and beer at the finish. The timing might end up being set up as a Strava Challenge for the event, maybe with Primes for certain sections; we still have to figure that out.

The trails are drying up slowly but should be in great shape by the day of the event. We have a lot of trail maintenance to do in the next few months, if you want to get involved drop me a line. We can always use more hands.Spending a morning cutting a new section of trail with some liked minded lunatics should be part of your riding calendar. It takes a little muscle work before you can pedal that trail.

So, follow the link and get yourself signed up!
